Polkra People: Kate Wills

Has anywhere you have travelled inspired the decoration of your home?
I try and pick up a small souvenir from every place I visit, whether it’s an alligator head in New Orleans, a ceramic tea pot from China or a flashing Welcome To Las Vegas sign. In terms of hotels one that really sticks in my mind is Ett Hem in Stockholm. It’s designed by Isle Crawford to feel just like a home, think Papa Bear armchairs, sheepskin rugs and lots of candles and cosiness. I bought a few candles in the giftshop to try and recreate it at home - my suitcase wasn’t big enough for the armchairs sadly.
What is the most treasured object in your home?
Either a beautifully fine spider’s web which has been cast in silver and placed on a glass paperweight that one of my best friend’s Sarah bought for me. Or a taxidermy budgie head by the artist Polly Morgan.
Where in your house do you prefer to write?
I like sitting in the kitchen because it gets the most light, and I can look out the window...although that can also be very distracting.
How is living in Peckham, where are your favourite spots?
I love living in Peckham and new places are opening up all the time. There’s a fantastic South African restaurant down the road called Kudu which serves amazing brunch of waffles and duck eggs. The Bussey Building is a former cricket bat factory where I go to yoga and it also has a pop up cinema on the roof. I love Review bookshop on Bellenden Road and General Store for ridiculously expensive but special groceries.
What’s the last book you read?
I recently read Normal People by Sally Rooney in about two days and absolutely loved it. It captures the complex and often undefined nature of relationships and is quite understated and wonderful.
If anyone was to describe your home what words do you think they would use?
Unusual, eclectic, lots of books!
Where is your favourite place of calm to gather your thoughts?
I am a big fan of a long soak in the bath, preferably with candles, bath oils and a book. I also love sitting by the windows and looking at the trees and the birds.
Are there any writers that you take particular inspiration from?
So many! I think it’s really important as a writer to have writing heroes and I go back to them for inspiration regularly. Sylvia Plath, Scott F Fitzgerald, Bret Easton Ellis and Dorothy Parker were some of my favourites growing up - I love American literature and have a dark sense of humour. In terms of journalism AA Gill and Caitlin Moran can’t be bettered in my opinion.
What scents are reminiscent of you, and your home?
Figs remind me of an incredible villa in Tuscany called Villa Lena where I spent the summer. I love fig candles, fragrances and bath products. Le Labo Santal is my perfume and their room fragrance is also lovely.
What is your daily routine as a freelance writer?
In my job there isn’t really a routine, I could get a call asking me to go anywhere in the world, often with very little notice. But when I’m at home and writing I try and build in my own sense of structure. I always start the day with a cup of earl grey and a soft boiled egg and soldiers while I catch up on the news slash scroll through Instagram. I try and do yoga when I can and always have a bath before bed.
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